GCSE Exam Results 2012 – Advice for GCSE Students Who Fail Exams 2012

GCSE Exam Results Announced in England on 23rd August 2012

It is only a few days until the GCSE exam results are disclosed and there are many students I am sure starting to wonder “how did I perform?”, “did I pass?”, “what will I do if I didn’t pass my exams?”.

This is an incredibly stressful time for students who are about to embark on their future as an adult.  Many teenagers are not yet equipped with the skills to see the bigger picture and it is important for them to realise that if they fail exams and their planned academic future is in doubt, there are other options to take.  I hope parents will give their children time to process the news and not be judgemental.  When the time is right, these are some options that you can consider:

How to Appeal Your GCSE Result.

If you expected to pass or get a better grade in your GCSE exams, speak to your form tutor immediately.  If they agree, they can request a re-mark or recount. If you are still unhappy, your school or college can appeal to the awarding body, and then finally, if necessary, to the independent Examinations Appeals Board.

This is the link to the official Office of Qualifications and Exam Regulations Website which has all the information you need to make an appeal. http://www.ofqual.gov.uk/help-and-support/94-articles/162-exams-doctor

Other Options

Further educaton at sixth form college or further education college courses may still be an option.

Talk to the National Careers Service

“Exam results can be an anxious time as young people find out what they have achieved and think about which direction to go in next. Some might be pleased with their results while others may be feeling disappointed or confused about what to do next.

“Whatever the outcome, there are options available and help and support at hand. There is a lot to think about so it’s a good idea to take some time to explore different career paths to ensure you make the best decision for you. By contacting the National Careers Service, young people can find out exactly what their options are at a time and in a way to suit them.”


Bury Tuition Centre

We have many exam students who have been attending Bury Tuition Centre for the past year in preparation for the GCSE exams. We are anticipating great results!  If you would like help with GCSE English, Maths or Science for 2013/2014, now is the time to start preparing.  Call us now on 0161 797 7707 to arrange a FREE assessment.

Tuition in Bury ; Qualified Maths, English and Science Tutors at Bury Tuition Centre

Finding the Right Tutor for your Child in Bury

A good education is very important for children to reach their full academic potential and many children receive an excellent education at our local schools,  sail through school work and achieve excellent exam results without the help of additional tuition.  Every child is unique and some children can fall behind at school, lose confidence and struggle to catch up.  If gaps in learning occur in a child’s education, especially in Maths or English, it can be very difficult for some children to move on and fully grasp the subject, which can result in a lack of confidence, poor results at school and ultimately poor exam results.

Is Your Child Underperforming At School?

By talking to your child, asking questions and helping with homework, parents should have an idea if there appears to be any issues.  If you have concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher and ask for feedback and how you can help them get back on track.  Whether your child is in Year 1 or entering an exam year, some extra tuition can make a huge difference.

How to Find the Best Tutor To Suit Your Child’s Needs.

If you decide on extra tuition, how do you choose the best tutor to teach your child?  You just have to do a local Google search to find many listings for tuition.  Your child is unique and you have to make the decision based on your child’s personality, needs and of course budget is also a major factor.  These are the main categories of tutors and some advice to help you make that decision:

1. Why Choose a Tutoring Centre?

Why choose a  tutoring centre as opposed to a private tutor who comes to your house?

  • In a centre, children gain a sense of purpose from children around them
  • The tutor does not hover over them but allows some independent work whilst at the same time being there for support.
  • Students more quickly become independent learners if shown what to do and then to be given space to do it on their own.
  • Learning Centres have valuable teaching resources readily at hand.
  • Students feel less isolated and provide motivation for each other in a group situation

2. Why Choose Bury Tuition Centre Centres versus Other National Tuition Organisations?

Bury Tuition Centre in the UK is owned and run by a fully qualified teacher, a member of the General Teaching Council and hold full CRB certificates.

Every tutor employed within our centres must also be a fully qualified and experienced teacher and we have background CRB checks performed on all tutors.

The other main national organisations are in the main  not run by qualified teachers and employ “instructors” to oversee childrens’ tuition, Therefore always ask to see teaching credentials.

We have exclusive written and online computer resources designed by teachers for Bury Tuition Centre which are not available anywhere else.  Resources are used by teachers to compliment our tuition – never replace it.

Every child follows their own individual learning programme and every lesson includes one-to-one teaching.

Our students are never left to complete endless worksheets or computer exercises.  Whilst this method may help some children, for example, those learning their times tables, this in our opinion is not teaching.

How do other organisations assess children academically if they are not teachers?  At Bury Tuition Centre, we are all experienced local teachers and have a thorough knowledge of the local school curriculum.

From our FREE educational assessment, can identify areas of weakness, gaps in learning and prepare a lesson plan tailored to help each child fulfill their academic potential.

Homework is provided and every student must complete this on their own without parental help.  This is an important part of the process and completed homework can help us gauge how a student is progressing.

Our lessons are for 80 minutes as opposed to an hour.  We feel that this is the optimum lesson time for most children and gives teachers adequate time to teach and then go over lesson plans and goals.

When comparing costs of tuition, please take this into account.  At Bury Tuition Centre, our current fee is £25 per session but this is for 80 minutes and not 60.

3. Why Choose a Private Tutor?

There are many private tutors who list their services as a tutor and will come to your house to tutor.  This may be beneficial for some children who are shy or easily distracted and this suits your personal circumstances.  Make sure you interview the tutor and these are some points that you should take into account:

  • Tutors do not have to be qualified teachers to advertise as a tutor. Anyone can offer tuition.  Make sure you check teaching qualifications and experience. Like teaching, tutoring is a professional skill.  A good tutor will use resources to assist in their teaching methods but never replace teaching.
  • Not all qualified teachers are great tutors and some tutors who are unqualified can provide great tuition.  Whoever you choose, make sure you have confidence in their abilities and ask for references.
  • How will the tutor assess your child?  Are they fully aware of the local school curriculum and how to accurately determine your child’s working level for a subject?
  • What resources will they use to tutor your child?
  • As this person will be in your home and often left alone with your child, please ask to see a copy of a current CRB certificate to ensure that your child is in safe hands.
  • Ask for regular feedback on your child’s progress.

Arrange an Assessment at Bury Tuition Centre

If you would like to find out more, you can click on the following links for more important information or to make contact with me online.

Alternatively, please call myself, Shazia Tahir, on 0161 797 7707 to discuss any aspect of your child’s education.

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